Friday, December 15, 2006

Insert Primal Scream Here- Prepare for incoherent rant

AHAHHHHhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Really does not cover my frustration today. I spent 2 hours in an IEP getting the reports from several people: autism specialist, OT (occupational therapist), PE Teacher, and some other behavioralist(?). Anyhow. I thought that from these reports would come something concrete about getting Therin an aide for at least part of the day. We all agreed that the teacher is overwhelmed by his behavior I don't see how changing his behavior plan and bringing in YET ANOTHER PERSON is going to help. Isn't it more expensive to be using all these people? Wouldn't it be more cost effective for him to have a shadow, aide, person to whack him upside the head and say YO Quit it that boy doesn't want a hug! He needs all this stuff and I can't be at school to do this for him (and when it comes to PE I rather suck myself. When there are behavior issues and other things going on around here my first instinct is not to teach the boy how to dribble a basketball - that important lesson has slipped through the cracks but no more!). His poor teacher was on the verge of tears. Therin has good weeks and bad weeks and the good ones are pretty good but the bad ones really make her want to tear her hair out. It has been that way for ALL HIS OTHER TEACHERS. I am so not going to give up! No child left behind my ass. He will be left behind if he doesn't have an aide and if he doesn't get an aid sooner rather than later than he will be ostsracized by the kids around him. Although, a blogger I know mentioned that her relative was shunned by many growing up and that it really turned out to be a good thing- he was recently diagnosed as an adult with an ASD. . . BUT I still want to do my part to make sure that he has every advantage I can give him. So I fucked up genetically, I can fix it. Oh, what came out of the IEP is this: Therin will continue to be pulled out of his class 2-3 times for Reading Resource and Social Skills group. He will be pulled out 2 more times for Adaptive PE, and he was going to be pulled out for the OT & autism but we worked it out that the OT will help the autism specialist and that she will come durning a break time to help him interact with other children and work on appropriate playground behaviors and maybe use the appropriate playground behaivors/games to help with his OT issues. For example: He'll be getting help with playing with a ball from PE - at recess he will be shown how to use a ball to interact with other children and when he feels the need for deep pressure stimulation, instead of exuberantly grabbing and hugging another child without permission he will hug the ball instead. Something funny I found out in the IEP is that Therin would prefer to organize his paperwork by lining it up on the floor - poor kid comes by it honestly. Out of sight -out of mind for me too. I try so damn hard to be organized and it really doesn't work very well most of the time. Sigh. I guess the IEP really turned out alright but I was under the impression that this was going to address the need for an aide not drag it out. Too bad education is all about the money instead of all about the kids.


Drunk Drama Queen said...


Please have my beautiful godson give his mommy a hug for me....

(love the blog, by the way)


Drunk Drama Queen said...


Have that beautiful Godson of mine give his Mommy a hug for me.
(love the blog, by the way)


Xenophod said...

You should move to Virginia. We have top notch schools. OK, that's not true, but... I'd get to see you more!

you know you wanna move out here... it'll be fun... come on...

Love ya seesuetor!!!

Sarah said...

oh man! I am so glad I found your blog! We have so many parallels! I can't wait to read more and learn more about your family!