Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Meme! A Meme!

I've been tagged! Woo hoo!
Margaret tagged me because "Amberthyme cause she always has something good up her sleeve". Um, I'm sleeveless today but maybe I can connect the dots on my arms and come up with something!

A Game Of Tag

Here's how you play:

Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog w/ 10 weird, random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment ("You're It") and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me back, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers!

1. I cry over just about any touching moment. I even got mentioned on the front page of the local newspaper for crying. Sigh.

2. I hate hypodermic needles with a passion. Actually blood draws creep me out more than shots. I will not watch when they draw my blood. I force myself to watch when they draw my daughter's blood & insert IV's to make sure everything is O.K. not that I can do anything about it if they mess up, but if she has to have the poke the least I can do is watch.

3. I am math impared. A math teacher of mine once told me that I should buy a calculator that could do fractions for me because I wasn't going to get it on my own. Same teacher told me that it was better to be the top of a lower level class than the bottom of a more advanced class.

4. Girlz nite out ROCKS!

5. I am a close and personal friend of Weird Al Yankovic. Along with everybody else who belongs to his fan club. I saw him at RenFaire one year though. No lie!

6. I get paralyzed by indecision at times.

7. I pick at my eyelashes.

8. I belong to the cult of Apple Products. I was indoctrinated in the 2nd grade when I was in a "special" math class that used Macintosh computers and math games to try and improve my math skills and give me warm fuzzy feelings about math. I now have warm and fuzzy feelings about my computer. As for math. . . see #3.

9. I disolve into laughter at the most unusual things. Most recently when I found out that Paul Simon was inspired to write Mother and Child Reunion by a Chinese chicken and egg dish. Most frequently whenever I botched the "this is my brother larry and this is my other brother larry" joke when attempting to introduce my brother and his best friend. You had to be there.

10. I am a Major Geek. I took the Geek Test online and I scored over a 50%. And I'm weird. But you figured that out by now.

I'm tagging -

Xenophod, Krystal, Berzerker Librarian, Anne-Marie T., Anne-Marie M., and anyone else who would like to do this.


Anonymous said...

You saw Weird Al at the Ren Faire? Wow... doing advance reconaissance/research for White & Nerdy maybe. Renaissance reconnaissance... there's got to be some worthwhile bit of wordplay in there somewhere.

I too am a Close Personal Friend of Al. In fact, last year in Lynwood, CA, he yelled at me-- by name. My life's shiningest moment, except for some others. OE

Xenophod said...

But Hammer, you didn't give a REASON for tagging me.

I'm not gonna do it until you give your reason.

And, didn't you do this one a while back?

"Thank goodness those monsters are dead..." <--- My Meme.

thegoodwench said...

all done!

Amberthyme said...

Xeno: I choose you because you are my favorite pokemon.

Krystal: Thanks! I'll go take a peek now.

Any: Dude, that was like totally sweet! Were you like wearing your name badge?